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I just wanted to let you know that I received your bag of gifts while my baby girl was admitted to the NICU at the Stollery. Isabella was born with a very rare metabolic condition (1 in 15,000) and her body was shutting down and crashing. The condition was detected on her newborn screening test but the results did not come in until days later so nobody knew. A home care nurse came to my home to remove my staples post csection and to check on Isabella. She trusted her gut and called an ambulance when she thought something was wrong with her breathing. While in ER, the results of her lab work were called in to the metabolics team who then found us in the ER and took action. They had planned on meeting with us the next day, not knowing she was already in a bad situation. The next day may have been too late. Isabella's blood sugar was 1.3 and her heart rate was dropping. I will never forget the feeling of my heart breaking. My husband and I were inconsolable. Then we received your gift. Your gift helped us in more ways than you will ever know! Isabella spent a week in NICU and is doing amazing! My husband and I will never forget how hard it was, but also the phenomenal care we received in NICU. Yesterday was my first, and the best, Mother's Day I ever had. It made me think of all the other mothers I met in NICU, wondering how their little ones are doing. And it made me think of you. Thank you for the gift you gave us! You not only gave us a book, and socks, a sock monkey, gave us hope. You gave us light in a dark place. We will be forever grateful. Thank you.