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The money and donations we receive directly fund life changing pediatric cardiac research and benefit families of children living with congenital heart disease and the Stollery Children's Hospital.

Our programs:

The Madden DeLuca Pediatric Cardiac Research and Clinical Fellowship

Beginning in January 2017 the Madden DeLuca Foundation will be funding an ongoing 2 year term fellowship that will focus on pediatric cardiac research. 

In Hospital Photography

We offer in-hospital family photography sessions to families whose children have a long term hospital stay ahead of them, families who are celebrating a milestone with their child and families who are spending their last precious hours together with their child.

Madden’s Gift 

Every year on Madden’s birthday (June 4th), we make a donation of over 500 gift bags to the Stollery Children’s Hospital. Each bag includes: a blanket, a sleeper, a sock money, a book, an accessory and a pair of socks. These items must all be brand new or handmade.  

Emergency Overnight Kits

Every month, The Madden DeLuca Foundation puts together a number of care packages for parents who are unexpectedly required to stay overnight at the hospital. 

Catered Lunch

On the last Monday of every month The Madden DeLuca Foundation provides an in-hospital Subway lunch to the parents & siblings of NICU & PICU patients.

Personalized Necklaces

Gifts for moms of new heart angels as personalized memories of their child. 

Christmas Hampers 

Each year the Madden DeLuca Foundation create Christmas Hampers for four long term Stollery families.